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One Man'Z OpinionZ... or AvocationZ

June 06, 2004 - 3:42 p.m.

And Speaking of D-Day...

*ahem* Testing, testing... Is this thing on?

Guess it is.

Almost forgot to mention this...

Who'da thunk it, boys'n'girls? Massachusetts started�allowing gay couples to marry... when? Ohmigod, isn't this pivotal date in the history of Mankind even written down somewhere? I'm sure I could "Google" it...�Was it that much of a non-event, after the fact?

Ah, never mind. The thing is, we're all still here. (Well, those of us not directly affected by our president's foreign policy, anyway.) The world didn't end. Neither did any heterosexual unions of which I'm aware.

But... wasn't something earth-shattering like that supposed to happen? (My favorite warning -- and yes, I'm using "favorite" sarcastically -- was from the raving buttheads who claimed that if we legalized gay weddings, we were opening the door to men or women marrying children or animals. These are the same nay-sayers who fought to keep the laws against "miscegenation" on the books!) Or, at the very least, wasn't gay marriage somehow supposed to f**k things up for the so-called straights?

Guess it didn't.

June 6th is a day when those of us who still steadfastly hang onto our love of our country -- despite all the rules we ourselves have broken on the international front as of late --� recall the sacrifices made on D-Day (before and after D-Day, too, of course, but especially on D-Day). So�let's give ourselves a brief�pat on the back for paying attention to the really important days, those that commemorate whenever we've fought on behalf of freedom, rather than against it.

Thanks for your time.

All entries copyright � David M. Lynch, except where it's blatantly obvious that they aren't. And I don't care if this is the internet; don't f**k with me! And by the way, any e-mails I receive may be quoted from -- in whole or in part -- on my RantZ page (or elsewhere) without the permission of the author(s), unless you specifically state that you do not want me to do so somewhere in the body of the e-mail in question! S'awright? S'awright!

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